
Always happy to consider commissions for new pieces of work.

Responsive consultancy

One of the great joys about being a consultant is getting to know clients, their organisations and their ambitions. Getting to the heart of the issue is something we do regularly, and it's essential that we quickly create rapport and trust. There are core services we can deliver, but we're always keen to see how our skills, knowledge and experience can help clients in new areas. Having such a broad range of experience gives David a USP that clients find very helpful.


Governance in the Third Sector has a fundamentally different purpose than Governance in the Statutory or Private Sectors. We have a deep understanding of what Third Sector and Private Sector Governance should look like

Strategic Planning

Strategic planning should look different in the Third and Private Sectors. Our in-depth knowledge of both Sectors gives us deep insights.

Project Planning

This should look very similar in the Third and Private Sectors. We have lots of experience in project planning

What we can do

Organisation Health checks

Getting into the dark corners can shed much light on your organisation!

Beneficiary/client/customer Engagement

Get to know what impact your products or services have on your target market

Community Engagement

Essential for Third Sector Organisations to understand who needs what, when, where and why

Strategic Planning

Working with you to develop your strategies - including exit planning

Project Planning

Understanding need and demand is key to developing successful projects

General consultancy

From reviewing your plans through identifying problems to being there if you need to talk!

We design to your needs.

We'd love to know more about you, what you need to achieve and show how we can help. Your story is important to us - and to your clients, customers and beneficiaries. And also to your funders, whoever they may be!

Tell Us Your Story