Business planning for the Third Sector

Developed by David Link

A new way for Third Sector organisations
to business plan

Business planning is fundamentally different for the Private and Third Sectors. This brand new template will enable your Third Sector Organistion to:

  • * Clarify your Vision, Mission and Values
  • * Save time in funding applications
  • * Improve your recruitment -especially of Trustees
  • * Comply with the Scottish Governance Code for the Third Sector

You can either purchase a template to complete yourself or engage David to complete it for your organisation contact us

David's Linked In Profile

Independent Consultancy Service


David says "Making decisions - hopefully good ones!"


From Induction to confirmation of understanding

Strategic Planning

The foundation for sustainable organisations

Project Planning

Helping you put together a realistic case

Project delivery

Let's talk about your deliverables!


Outcomes, outcomes, outcomes! Or as David says "lasting change"

My vision is a World where the Community, Voluntary and Social Enterprise Sector is seen as equal with and complementary to the Private and Statutory Sectors

My mission is to provide services to the CVSE and Private Sectors that help organisations achieve positive outcomes from the activities, products and services their provide.

My approach is to ask to understand, agree deliverables that achieve, and at heart be customer/beneficiary focussed. And of course to charge a reasonable fee and be professional in all dealings with clients.

David says "No-one was ever converted by a spread sheet.."

"..we delight on stories about positive change"
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